Prof. Pritha Ubgade
Assistant Professor
Subjects taught :
Systems Thinking, Design Thinking, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Strategy, Operations Research, Emerging Startup Business Opportunities, and Retail Management
Profile and History :
Prof. Pritha Ubgade has done her BE (Bachelor of Engineering) in Information Technology from
RGPV University, Indore and MBA (Masters in Business Administration) in Marketing and HR
from Amity Business School, Noida. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. from Symbiosis
International in Consumer Behavior.
With 8 years of teaching experience and 4 years of industry experience, she brings a wealth of
knowledge and practical insights to her students, enriching their learning experience with real-
world applications.
She has a diverse teaching portfolio, including Systems Thinking, Design Thinking, Consumer
Behavior, Marketing Strategy, Operations Research, Emerging Startup Business Opportunities,
and Retail Management. Her multidisciplinary approach and deep understanding of these
subjects make her a valuable contributor to the academic community.
Research Papers Published:
1. Ubgade, P. N., & Joshi, S. (2022b). A Review of Brand Anthropomorphism : Analysis of Trends and Research. Prabandhan Indian Journal of Management, 15(10), 47.https://doi.org/10.17010/pijom/2022/v15i10/172408
2. Ubgade, P. N., & Joshi, S. (2023). Evolution of Consumer Brand Engagement in Past Two Decades: A Systematic Analysis. Vision, 0(0).https://doi.org/10.1177/09722629231187913
Case Study Published:
1. Case Title: Project Overrun: Getting it on Track*
Publication Details: Case Writing Workshop organized by the Association of Indian
Management Schools (AIMS) from 24 to 26 February, 2022. Published: AIMS Case study
Journal, January, 2023
Books Published:
1. Sugam Sarita, Books Co authored by Dr Shilpa Kulkarni, Dr Gopa Das (ISBN No. 978- 81-950739-6-2)
Book Chapter Published:
1. Book Title: Millets: Nature’s Nutri-Grain ISBN Number : 978-81-950739-9-3
1. Research Paper Presented in Viksit Bharat 2047: Pioneering Transformation and Shaping Global Business Landscape, conference organized by IMDR, 2024 with Rucha Dokhe.